Our Blogs – Pinnacle Life Science

Optical Heart Rate Monitoring: What you need to know

The human heart is a powerful muscle that beats around 100,000 times per day. With so much ...

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Five ways to keep your lungs healthy and clean

We take our lungs’ health for granted, yet strong lungs and a robust respiratory sys ...

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Ways of Ensuring Better Oral Hygiene

Practicing oral hygiene ensures healthy teeth and gums. It involves simple practices that ...

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The essence of vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals are crucial for various roles in our body such as healing wounds, bo ...

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Colour psychology used in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Color psychology in branding has been used for a long time to significantly impact the cus ...

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Women’s Empowerment in the Era of Social Distancing

COVID-19 has worsened the gender inequalities in most sectors. This calls for women empowe ...

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7 Healthy Tips to Strengthen Your Immunity

A weak immune system is a bullet you definitely want to dodge. A healthy immune system pro ...

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Art of Healthy Living


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Defining and preserving good health

Most people maintain the health of their body to some extent. But the main point is how we ...

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Myths and mistakes to avoid when donating blood

Donating blood is one of the biggest ways one can contribute to saving a life. More than 3 ...

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